Photo of Farnaz Tehranchi

Farnaz Tehranchi

Assistant Professor


  • School of Engineering Design and Innovation
  • Engineering Design
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering

309 Engineering Design and Innovation Building


Personal or Departmental Website

Research Website





Journal Articles

  • Frank E Ritter, Farnaz Tehranchi, Christopher L Dancy and Sue E Kase, 2020, "Some futures for cognitive modeling and architectures: design patterns for including better interaction with the world, moderators, and improved model to data fits (and so can you)", Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory, pp. 1-29
  • Frank E Ritter, Farnaz Tehranchi and Jacob D. Oury, 2018, "ACT-R: A cognitive architecture for modeling cognition", Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Cognitive Science

Conference Proceedings

  • Amir Bagherzadehkhorasani and Farnaz Tehranchi, 2024, "Computer-Based Experiments in VR: A Virtual Reality Environment to Conduct Experiments, Collect Participants’ Data and Cognitive Modeling in VR", In Proceedings of ICCM, The 22th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling
  • Jongchan Pyeon, Amir Bagherzadehkhorasani, Roya Koshani, Amir Sheikhi and Farnaz Tehranchi, 2024, "Understanding Human Behavior and a Cognitive Model in an Image Labeling Task.", In Proceedings of ICCM, The 22th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling
  • Iris He, Duk Hee Ka, Md Ehtesham-Ul-Haque, Syed Billah and Farnaz Tehranchi, 2024, "Cognitive Models for Abacus Gesture Learning.", In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 46)
  • Md Ehtesham-Ul-Haque, Iris He, Duk Hee Ka, Farnaz Tehranchi and Syed Billah, 2024, "MindType: Understanding the Effects of Declarative Memory on Various Typing Systems Through Cognitive Models", The conference of Human-Computer Interaction (CHI)
  • Amir Bagherzadehkhorasani and Farnaz Tehranchi, 2023, "A roadmap towards modeling decision-making.", In Proceedings of ICCM, The 21th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling
  • Amir Bagherzadehkhorasani and Farnaz Tehranchi, 2023, "Automatic Error Model (AEM) for User Interface Design: A new approach to Include Errors and Error Corrections in a Cognitive User Model.", In Proceedings of HFES, the 67th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society International Annual Meeting Conferences.
  • Amir Bagherzadehkhorasani and Farnaz Tehranchi, 2023, "The analysis of the effect of visual cues in a binary decision-making environment.", In Proceedings of AHFE, the 14th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2023) and the Affiliated Conferences.
  • Amir Bagherzadehkhorasani and Farnaz Tehranchi, 2022, "Comparing Cognitive, Cognitive Instance-Based, and Reinforcement Learning Models in an Interactive Task", In Proceedings of ICCM, The 20th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling
  • Farnaz Tehranchi, Jacob David Oury and E Ritter, 2021, "Predicting Learning and Retention of a Complex Task Using a Cognitive Architecture.", In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 43, pp. 1077-1083
  • Farnaz Tehranchi, Frank E Ritter and Chungil Chae, 2020, "Visual Attention during E-Learning: Eye-tracking Shows that Making Salient Areas More Prominent Helps Learning in Online Tutors.", In Proceedings of 42nd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, pp. 3164-3170
  • David M Schwartz, Farnaz Tehranchi and E Ritter, 2020, "Drive the bus: Extending JSegMan to drive a virtual long-range bus.", In Proceedings of ICCM, The 18th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, pp. 1-6
  • Farnaz Tehranchi and E Ritter, 2019, "Extending JSegMan to Interact with a Coin and a Spreadsheet Task.", In Proceedings of ICCM, The 17th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, pp. 259-260
  • Farnaz Tehranchi and E Ritter, 2018, "Modeling visual search in interactive graphic interfaces: Adding visual pattern matching algorithms to ACT-R", In Proceedings of 16th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, pp. 162-167
  • Farnaz Tehranchi and E Ritter, 2018, "Using Java to provide cognitive models with a universal way to interact with graphic interfaces.", In the Proceedings of the International Conference on Social Computing, Behavioral-Cultural Modeling and Prediction and Behavior Representation in Modeling and Simulation.
  • Jacob David Oury, Farnaz Tehranchi and E Ritter, 2018, "Predicting learning and retention of a complex task.", In Proceedings of ICCM, 16th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, pp. 162-167
  • Farnaz Tehranchi and E Ritter, 2017, "An eyes and hands model for cognitive architectures to interact with user interfaces", In the Proceedings of MAICS, the 28th Modern Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference.
  • Farnaz Tehranchi and E Ritter, 2016, "Connecting cognitive models to interact with human-computer interfaces.", In Proceedings of ICCM, 14th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, pp. 266-267

Research Projects

  •   -  , "Cognitive Models in the Capture-the-Flag Game," (Sponsor: ICDS RISE Seed Grant).
  •   -  , "Learning to use AI Models for Innovation and Bias Reduction: Promoting Inclusive Design and Female Student Learning Motivation.," (Sponsor: The Leonhard Center Proposals 2023 competition).
  •   -  , "Novel Techno-Social Approaches for Making VR Accessible.," (Sponsor: Institute for Computational and Data Sciences Seed Grant 2023-24 competition).

Honors and Awards

  • The Teaching and Learning with Technology Faculty Engagement Awards for 2024, Teaching and Learning with Technology, Penn State University, 2024 - 2024
  • The second outstanding paper/travel award, the 67th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) International Annual Meeting Conference, 2023


Service to Penn State:

Service to External Organizations:

  • Organizing Conferences and Service on Conference Committees, Judge, International Conference of Cognitive Modeling (ICCM) Awards Committee, 2024



The School of Engineering Design and Innovation delivers effective engineering education and unrivaled research opportunities through active, collaborative, project-based, and professionally oriented classroom experiences. The school offers a variety of programs that partner faculty, students, and industry in the study of real-life engineering problems. Our programs teach students to solve real-life problems with innovative solutions. 

School of Engineering Design and Innovation

304 Engineering Design and Innovation Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-2952