Photo of Matthew Parkinson

Matthew Parkinson



  • School of Engineering Design and Innovation
  • Engineering Design
  • The Learning Factory
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering
  • Larson Transportation Institute

406 Engineering Design and Innovation Building


Personal or Departmental Website

Google Scholar Profile

Research Areas:

Biomechanics and Mechanobiology; Design & Manufacturing; Engineering Design; Human Factors/Ergonomics; Mechanical Sciences

Interest Areas:

Rigorous methods for the design of artifacts for use by people. This includes areas such as: design for human variability, global product development, anthropometry, biomechanics, biomedical design, ergonomics, rehabilitation engineering, motion modeling and prediction, optimization, product platforms, and mechanical design.





Journal Articles

  • Madison Reddie and Matthew B Parkinson, 2022, "A comparison of approaches to reweighting anthropometric data", Ergonomics, 65, (10)
  • Daniel R Spillane, Jessica Menold and Matthew B Parkinson, 2020, "Broadening participation in learning factories through Industry 4.0", Procedia Manufacturing, 45, pp. 534-539
  • Jacob Nelson, Andrew Berlin, Jessica Menold and Matthew B Parkinson, 2020, "The role of digital prototyping tools in learning factories", Procedia Manufacturing, 45, pp. 528-533
  • Elizabeth L Miller, Samuel M Lapp and Matthew B Parkinson, 2019, "The effects of seat width, load factor, and passenger demographics on airline passenger accommodation", Ergonomics, 62, (2)
  • K A Kumar and Matthew B Parkinson, 2018, "Reweighting anthropometric data using a nearest neighbour approach.", Ergonomics, 61, (7)
  • Joonho Chang, Seung Ki Moon, Kihyo Jung, Wonmo Kim, Matthew B Parkinson, Andris Freivalds, Timothy W Simpson and Seon Pill Baik, 2018, "Glasses-type wearable computer displays: usability considerations examined with a 3D glasses case study", Ergonomics, 61, (5), pp. 670-681
  • Charlotte DeVries and Matthew B Parkinson, 2017, "Modeling the Variability of Glenoid Geometry in Intact and Osteoarthritic Shoulders", ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 139, (11)
  • Rushtin Chaklader and Matthew B Parkinson, 2017, "Data-Driven Sizing Specification Utilizing Consumer Text Reviews", ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 139, (11)
  • Gopal Nadadur, Ulrich Raschke and Matthew B Parkinson, 2016, "A quantile-based anthropometry synthesis technique for global user populations", International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 53, pp. 167–178
  • Christopher Garneau and Matthew B Parkinson, 2016, "A survey of anthropometry and physical accommodation in ergonomics curricula", Ergonomics, 59, (1), pp. 143-154
  • B T Pagano, Matthew B Parkinson and M P Reed, 2015, "An updated estimate of the body dimensions of US children", Ergonomics, 58, (6), pp. 1045-57
  • Horea Ilies, Matthew B Parkinson, Carolyn Conner Seepersad, Michael Kokkolaras, Kenneth Ragsdell, Panos Papalambros, Farrokh Mistree, Christopher Williams, Rahul Rai, Jitesh Panchal and others, 2015, "New perspectives on design automation: Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the ASME Design Automation Conference", ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 137, (5)
  • Emilie Poirson and Matthew B Parkinson, 2014, "Estimated anthropometry for male commercial pilots in Europe and an approach to its use in seat design", International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 44, (5), pp. 769–776
  • Charlotte DeVries and Matthew B Parkinson, 2014, "Limiting disproportionate disaccommodation in design for human variability.", Ergonomics, 57, (1), pp. 52-65
  • Chris J Garneau and Matthew B Parkinson, 2013, "Considering just noticeable difference in assessments of physical accommodation for product design.", Ergonomics, 56, (11), pp. 1777-88
  • Gopal Nadadur and Matthew B Parkinson, 2013, "The role of anthropometry in designing for sustainability", Ergonomics, 56, (3), pp. 422-439
  • G. Nadadur and Matthew B Parkinson, 2012, "A utility theory-based approach to reducing raw material usage in non-adjustable artifacts, tasks, and environments", Work, 41, (SUPPL.1), pp. 6031-6038
  • Gopal Nadadur and Matthew B Parkinson, 2012, "Designing for multiple global user populations: Increasing resource allocation efficiency for greater sustainability", Work, 41, (SUPPL.1), pp. 2109-2116
  • Chris J. Garneau and Matthew B Parkinson, 2012, "Optimization of product dimensions for discrete sizing applied to a tool handle", International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 42, (1), pp. 56-64
  • Ketki Manjrekar and Matthew B Parkinson, 2011, "Considering race and gender distributions of the target user population in the multivariate design of vehicle seating", International Journal of Vehicle Design, 55, (2/3/4), pp. 174-188
  • Matthew B Parkinson and Chris J Garneau, 2011, "Simultaneous consideration of user acceptability and regulatory compliance in vehicle seat design", International Journal of Vehicle Design, 55, (2/3/4), pp. 162-173
  • Chris J Garneau and Matthew B Parkinson, 2011, "A comparison of methodologies for designing for human variability", Journal of Engineering Design, 22, (7)
  • Matthew B Parkinson and Matthew P. Reed, 2010, "Creating virtual user populations by analysis of anthropometric data", International Journal Industrial Ergonomics, 40, (1)
  • Gopal Nadadur and Matthew B Parkinson, 2010, "Consideration of demographics and variance in regression approaches to estimating body dimensions for spatial analysis of design", Journal of Mechanical Design, 132, (2)
  • Chris J. Garneau and Matthew B Parkinson, 2009, "Including preference in anthropometry-driven models for design", Journal of Mechanical Design, 131, (10)
  • Gopal Nadadur, J. Chiang, Matthew B Parkinson and A. Stephens, 2009, "Anthropometry for a North American manufacturing population", SAE Technical Papers, 2009-01-2274
  • Gopal Nadadur and Matthew B Parkinson, 2009, "Using designing for human variability to optimize aircraft seat layout", SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars - Mechanical Systems, 2, (1), pp. 1641-1647
  • Gopal Nadadur and Matthew B Parkinson, 2008, "Extrapolation of anthropometric measures to new populations", SAE Int. J. Passenger Cars. - Electron. Electr. Syst., 1, (1), pp. 567-573
  • Matthew B Parkinson, Michael P. Reed, Michael Kokkolaras and Panos Y. Papalambros, 2007, "Optimizing truck cab layout for driver accommodation", ASME Journal of Mechanical Design, 129, (11)
  • Matthew B Parkinson and Matthew P Reed, 2007, "Standing reach envelopes incorporating anthropometric variance and postural cost", SAE Transactions: Journal of Aerospace, 116, (1), pp. 2073-2078
  • Matthew B Parkinson, Don B Chaffin and Matthew P Reed, 2006, "Center of pressure excursion capability in performance of seated lateral-reaching tasks", Clinical Biomechanics, 21, (1), pp. 26-32
  • Michael J Sasena, Matthew B Parkinson, Matthew P Reed, Panos Y Papalambros and Pierre Goovaerts, 2005, "Improving an ergonomics testing procedure via approximation-based adaptive experimental design", Journal of Mechanical Design, 127, (5)
  • D. B. Chaffin, C. Woolley, C. Dickerson and Matthew B Parkinson, 2004, "Modeling of object movement capability in the spinal cord injured population", International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 33, pp. 229-236
  • Matthew B Parkinson, M. P. Reed and D. B. Chaffin, 2004, "Balance maintenance during seated reaches of people with spinal cord injury", SAE Transactions: Journal of Aerospace, 113, pp. 82-86
  • M. P. Reed, Matthew B Parkinson and David Wagner, 2004, "Torso kinematics in seated reaches", SAE Transactions: Journal of Aerospace, 113, pp. 167-174
  • M. P. Reed, Matthew B Parkinson and A. L. Klinkenberger, 2003, "Assessing the validity of kinematically generated reach envelopes for simulation of vehicle operators", SAE Transactions: Journal of Passenger Cars--Electronic and Electrical Systems, 112, pp. 693-697
  • Matthew P Reed, Matthew B Parkinson and Don B. Chaffin, 2003, "A new approach to modeling driver reach", SAE Transaction: Journal of Passenger Cars--Mechanical Systems, 112, pp. 709-718
  • Sigurd A Nelson, Matthew B Parkinson and Panos Y Papalambros, 2001, "Multicriteria optimization in product platform design", Journal of Mechanical Design, 123, (2)
  • Elizabeth Miller, Sam Lapp and Matthew B Parkinson, , "The effects of seat width, load factor, and passenger demographics on airline passenger accommodation", Ergonomics

Conference Proceedings

  • Matthew B Parkinson, 2022, "What to build for the next generation of innovation and maker spaces", Boston
  • Daniel R Spillane, Jessica Menold and Matthew B Parkinson, 2020, "Broadening participation in learning factories through Industry 4.0"
  • Jacob Nelson, Andrew Berlin, Jessica Menold and Matthew B Parkinson, 2020, "The role of digital prototyping tools in learning factories"
  • Sandeep Krishnakumar, Catherine Berdanier, Christopher McComb, Matthew B Parkinson and Jessica Menold, 2020, "Comparing student and sponsor perceptions of interdisciplinary teams' capstone performance", 3
  • Jessica Menold, Catherine Berdanier, Sarah Ritter, Meredith Handley, Caitlin Grady, Margaret Byron, Elizabeth Starkey, Scarlett Rae Miller and Matthew B Parkinson, 2019, "BUILDing a community of female makers through hands-on experiences in a university MakerSpace", 2019 IEEE FRONTIERS IN EDUCATION CONFERENCE (FIE 2019)
  • N Dow, Sean N Brennan and Matthew B Parkinson, 2019, "Assessment of Speed Choice during High Speed Horizontal Curves Evaluating Driver Familiarity and Engagement"
  • Matthew B Parkinson, 2018, "Webtools and primers supporting Design for Human Variability"
  • Harsimran Thind and Matthew B Parkinson, 2017, "The Potential Effects on Design of Increased Prevalence of Obesity in US Children"
  • Sascha Wischniewski, A Grötsch, Dominik Bonin and Matthew B Parkinson, 2016, "Synthesis and validation of a virtual anthropometric user population of German civilians based on an up-to-date representative dataset", Proceedings 4th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (BAuA), Dortmund, Germany
  • Charlotte DeVries and Matthew B Parkinson, 2016, "Modeling the variability of glenoid geometry in intact shoulders"
  • Kenneth Aycock, João De Farias, Ji-Eun Kim, Chao Shi and Matthew B Parkinson, 2015, "A design for human variability (DfHV) approach to determining appropriate sizes of prosthetic heart valves for pediatric patients", Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
  • Devon Boyd, Cameron Killen and Matthew B Parkinson, 2015, "Digital human models for collegiate SAE land vehicle competitions", Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
  • Brendan McNelly, Chris Monaco and Matthew B Parkinson, 2015, "Using population models to validate Platzer's methodology for overcoming vehicle blind spots", Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
  • Devon K Boyd and Matthew B Parkinson, 2015, "Using multivariate analysis to select accommodation boundary manikins from a population database", pp. V02BT03A021–V02BT03A021
  • D Reuben Haupt, Christopher J Garneau and Matthew B Parkinson, 2014, "The need for and lessons from a web-based tool for design for human variability"
  • Devon K Boyd and Matthew B Parkinson, 2014, "Two lessons from a short-duration design–build–test activity"
  • Matthew P Reed, Ulrich Raschke, Rushi Tirumali and Matthew B Parkinson, 2014, "Developing and implementing parametric human body shape models in ergonomics software"
  • D Reuben Haupt and Matthew B Parkinson, 2014, "Advancing design through the creation and visualization of virtual populations representing US civilians"
  • Charlotte DeVries and Matthew B Parkinson, 2014, "Identifying glenoid geometries through radial basis functions for implant design"
  • G. M. Warnick, Matthew B Parkinson, Yoke San Wong, Brian D. Jensen, Spencer P. Magleby and Gregory M. Roach, 2014, "Establishing an immersive cross-cultural experiential learning and design collaboration for engineering students and faculty", Proceedings 121st ASEE Annual Conference and Exhibition
  • Christopher Garneau and Matthew B Parkinson, 2013, "The use of humanoid glyphs in graphs for representing human variability in the spatial design of products", Proceedings of the 2nd International Digital Human Modeling Symposium
  • Gopal Nadadur and Matthew B Parkinson, 2013, "A suite of multivariate test cases for anthropometry-based design", Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Digital Human Modeling
  • Gopal Nadadur and Matthew B Parkinson, 2013, "A Z-score-based method to synthesize anthropometric datasets for global user populations"
  • Charlotte DeVries, Greg Roach and Matthew B Parkinson, 2013, "A comparison of design for human variability strategies in seating requirements of anthropometrically diverse populations", Proceedings of the International Conference on Engineering Design, ICED, 5 DS75-05, pp. 101-110
  • Gopal Nadadur, Matthew B Parkinson and Timothy W Simpson, 2012, "Application of the generational variety index: A retrospective study of iphone evolution"
  • Gopal Nadadur, W. Kim, A.R. Thomson, Matthew B Parkinson and Timothy W Simpson, 2012, "Strategic product design for multiple global markets", pp. 837-848
  • Gopal Nadadur and Matthew B Parkinson, 2012, "A utility theory-based approach to reducing raw material usage in non-adjustable and stationary artifacts, tasks, and environments", Proceedings of the 18th World Congress of Ergonomics
  • Gopal Nadadur and Matthew B Parkinson, 2012, "Designing for multiple global user populations: Increasing resource allocation efficiency for greater sustainability", Proceedings of the 18th World Congress of Ergonomics
  • Christopher J. Garneau and Matthew B Parkinson, 2011, "Preliminary validation of a tool for visualizing anthropometric data", First International Symposium on Digital Human Modeling, pp. No. 2267
  • Gopal Nadadur, Chris Garneau, Charlotte DeVries and Matthew B Parkinson, 2011, "A real options-based approach to designing for changing user populations of long-lifetime products", 9, pp. 557-565
  • Christopher Garneau and Matthew B Parkinson, 2011, "Probability of user fit for spatially optimized products", 5, pp. 221-229
  • Jillian Haldaman and Matthew B Parkinson, 2010, "Reconfigurable products and their means of reconfiguration", 1, pp. 219-228
  • Christopher J. Garneau and Matthew B Parkinson, 2010, "Visual analysis of user accommodation", 1, pp. 379-390
  • Charlotte DeVries, Chris J Garneau, Gopal Nadadur and Matthew B Parkinson, 2010, "Considering secular and demographic trends in designing for present and future populations", 1, pp. 391-398
  • T. W. Simpson, Matthew B Parkinson, D. Celento, W. Chen, A. McKenna, E. Colgate, D. Norman, P. Y. Papalambros, R. Gonzales, B. Roth and L. Leifer, 2010, "Navigating the barriers to interdisciplinary design education: Lessons learned from the NSF Design Workshop Series", ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences
  • Daniel E Willis, Timothy W Simpson, Rebecca L Henn, Samuel T Hunter, Matthew B Parkinson, David J Celento, Russell R Barton and Sandeep Purao, 2010, "From border skirmishes to strategic alliances: Barriers to design innovation and collaboration between architects and engineers, and an opportunity for moving beyond them", pp. 54-64
  • Gopal Nadadur and Matthew B Parkinson, 2009, "Anthropometry for a North American manufacturing population", SAE Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering Conference
  • Gopal Nadadur and Matthew B Parkinson, 2009, "Using designing for human variability to optimize aircraft seat layout", SAE Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering Conference
  • Christopher J Garneau and Matthew B Parkinson, 2009, "Optimization of tool handle shape for a target user population", 5, pp. 1029-1036
  • Timothy W Simpson, Samuel T Hunter, Cari Bryant-Arnold, Matthew B Parkinson, Russell R Barton, David J Celento and John Messner, 2009, "Interdisciplinary graduate design programs: Results and recommendations from a NSF workshop", 8, pp. 553-563
  • Matthew P Reed and Matthew B Parkinson, 2008, "Modeling variability in torso shape for chair and seat design"
  • Robert C Fromuth and Matthew B Parkinson, 2008, "Predicting 5th and 95th percentile anthropometric segment lengths from population stature"
  • Chris J. Garneau and Matthew B Parkinson, 2008, "Optimal product sizing through digital human models", SAE International Technical Paper #2008-01-1921
  • Gopal Nadadur and Matthew B Parkinson, 2008, "Extrapolation of anthropometric measures to new populations", Proceedings SAE Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering Conference, Technical Paper #2008-01-1858
  • Christopher J Garneau and Matthew B Parkinson, 2007, "Including preference in anthropometry-driven models for design"
  • Matthew B Parkinson and Matthew P Reed, 2007, "Standing reach envelopes incorporating anthropometric variance and postural cost", SAE International Digital Human Modeling Symposium
  • Matthew B Parkinson and M. P. Reed, 2006, "Optimizing vehicle occupant packaging", SAE International Congress and Exposition
  • Matthew B Parkinson and M. P. Reed, 2006, "Considering driver balance capability in truck shifter design", SAE International Digital Human Modeling Symposium
  • Matthew B Parkinson and M. P. Reed, 2006, "Improved head restraint design for safety and compliance", ASME Internation Design Engineering Technical Conferences
  • Matthew B Parkinson, Michael Kokkolaras, Matthew P Reed and Panos Y Papalambros, 2005, "Robust truck cabin layout optimization using advanced driver variance models"
  • Matthew P Reed, Matthew B Parkinson and David Wagner, 2004, "Torso kinematics in seated reaches", Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering Symposium
  • Matthew B Parkinson, M. P. Reed and D. B. Chaffin, 2004, "Balance maintenance during seated reaches of people with spinal cord injury", SAE Digital Human Modeling Conference
  • M. P. Reed, Matthew B Parkinson and A. L. Klinkenberger, 2003, "Assessing the validity of kinematically generated reach envelopes for simulation of vehicle operators", Digital Human Modeling for Design and Engineering Conference and Exhibition
  • M. P. Reed, Matthew B Parkinson and D. B. Chaffin, 2003, "A new approach to modeling driver reach", SAE World Congress & Exhibition
  • M. Sasena, Matthew B Parkinson, M. P. Reed, P. Y. Papalambros and P. Goovaerts, 2002, "Adaptive experimental design applied to an ergonomics testing procedure", Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences
  • Matthew B Parkinson, D. B. Chaffin and M. P. Reed, 2002, "Maintaining balance in seated reaches", Proceedings of the International Conference of Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America
  • Matthew B Parkinson, B. D. Jensen and K. Kurabayashi, 2001, "Design of compliant force and displacement amplification micromechanisms", Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences
  • Matthew B Parkinson and Jane E. Huggins, 2001, "A method for the rapid prototyping of custom contoured cushions", ASME International Engineering Congress and Exposition, 51
  • Brian D Jensen, Matthew B Parkinson, Katsuo Kurabayashi, Larry L Howell and M S Baker, 2001, "Design optimization of a fully-compliant bistable micro-mechanism", 3, pp. 357-363
  • Matthew B Parkinson, B. D. Jensen and G. M. Roach, 2000, "Optimization-based design of a fully compliant bistable micromechanism", Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences
  • Matthew B Parkinson, G. M. Roach and L. L. Howell, 2000, "Predicting the large-deflection path of tapered cantilever beams", Proceedings of the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition
  • S. A. Nelson, Matthew B Parkinson and P. Y. Papalambros, 1999, "Multicriteria optimization in product platform design", Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference
  • Matthew B Parkinson, L. L. Howell and J. J. Cox, 1997, "A parametric approach to the optimization-based design of compliant mechanisms", Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences

Research Projects

Honors and Awards


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The School of Engineering Design and Innovation delivers effective engineering education and unrivaled research opportunities through active, collaborative, project-based, and professionally oriented classroom experiences. The school offers a variety of programs that partner faculty, students, and industry in the study of real-life engineering problems. Our programs teach students to solve real-life problems with innovative solutions. 

School of Engineering Design and Innovation

304 Engineering Design and Innovation Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Phone: 814-865-2952